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Research experience

Pizarra con diferentes idiomas
Participation in conferences


10th-13th April 2019

Poster presented at 14th International Symposium of Psycholinguistics · Tarragona (Spain) · Catalan speakers-writers' awareness of adjective compositionality


7th-9th September 2022

Communication presented at 10th International Congress on Language Acquisition · Girona (Spain) · Características lingüísticas de textos argumentativos escritos antes y después de una intervención centrada en el proceso de planificación [Linguistic characteristics of argumentative texts written before and after a planning process intervention]


17th-21st July 2017

Poster presented at 14th International Congress for the Study of Child Language · Lyon (France) · Patterns of use of adjectives in Catalan from school age to adulthood in different genres and modes of production


1st-6th July 2016

Communication presented at 15th SIG Writing Conference · Liverpool (United Kingdom) · The lexical uses in texts written in two languages with similar typology but dissimilar orthographies


6th-7th November 2013

Communication presented at Jornades Aprofitament de corpus lingüístics · Barcelona (Spain) · Els adjectius: de la gramàtica al discurs [Adjectives: from grammar to discourse]


22th-24th March 2012

Communication presented at 4th Congreso Internacional de Lingüística de Corpus · Jaén (Spain) · Indicadores evolutivos de género y modalidad para un corpus de catalán L1 [Developmental indicators of genre and modality for a Catalan L1 corpus]
Participation in research projects


June 2020 – present

Research project PID2019-107399RB-I00 · Implementación y evaluación de una tecnología que dé soporte a procesos de creatividad colaborativa: implicaciones para un modelo tecno-pedagógico co-creativo [CoCrea Project]


June 2020 – present

Research project PID2019-108791GA-I00 · De la evaluación de la calidad al andamiaje educativo [From assessment of quality to scaffolding, FAQS]


January 2016–December 2018

Research project EDU2015-65980R · Escritura analítica y diversidad lingüística: cambios evolutivos y microevolutivos desde la educación primaria a la educación superior [Analytical writing and linguistic diversity: developmental and micro-developmental changes from primary to higher education]


April 2012–December 2013

Research project EDU2009-08862 · Hacia el dominio experto de la lengua: estudio comparado del desarrollo del repertorio lingüístico nativo y no nativo en castellano y catalán [Becoming an expert user of language: a comparative study of the development of native and non-native linguistic repertoire in Spanish and Catalan]


January 2006–June 2006

Research project BSO2003-06020 · La representación escrita de la morfología y el aprendizaje de la lectura: un estudio evolutivo y translingüístico [Written representation of morphology and literacy learning: an evolutionary and cross-linguistic study]
Research interests
  • Linguistics

  • Applied Linguistics

  • Corpus Linguistics

  • Computational linguistics

  • Language Acquisition

  • Later Language Development

  • Didactics

  • Language teaching

  • Dyslexia



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