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Laia Cutillas i Alberich, PhD

Lecturer professor, Universitat de Lleida

Researcher at Didàctica de les Ciències Socials, la Llengua i la Literatura research group (DiCSLLi), 2021-SGR-1582

Teaching experience


March 2022–present

Professor (Lecturer)

Department of Educational Sciences

Universitat de Lleida · Lleida


March 2021–February 2022

Postdoctoral researcher

Department of Specific Didactics

Universitat de Lleida · Lleida


September 2020–March 2021

Professor (Assistant)

Department of Specific Didactics

Universitat de Lleida · Lleida


February 2018–March 2021

Professor (Assistant)

Department of Romance Philology

Universitat Rovira i Virgili · Tarragona


September 2015–September 2020

Professor (Assistant)

Department of Linguistic and Literary Education and Teaching and Learning of Experimental Sciences and Mathematics

Universitat de Barcelona · Barcelona


October 2017–February 2019

Professor (Assistant)

Psychology and Educational Sciences Studies

Universitat Oberta de Catalunya · Barcelona


January 2007–January 2010

Professor (Assistant)

Master-D · Tarragona


Investigar y escribir




June 2020–present

Secondary investigator on the research project PID2019-108791GA-I00

Universitat de Barcelona · Department of Catalan Philology and General Linguistics · Grup de Recerca per a l'Estudi del Repertori Lingüístic (GRERLI)


March 2021–February 2022

Postdoctoral researcher

Postdoctoral scholar on the research project UdL 4/2021 REC

Universitat de Lleida · Department of Specific Didactics


January 2016–December 2018

Secondary investigator on the research project EDU2015-65980R

Universitat de Barcelona · Department of Catalan Philology and General Linguistics · Grup de Recerca per a l'Estudi del Repertori Lingüístic (GRERLI)


December 2014–May 2015

Research Assistant


Universitat de Barcelona · Department of General Linguistics · Grup de Recerca per a l'Estudi del Repertori Lingüístic (GRERLI)


September 2013–December 2013

Technical expert on the research group

Universitat de Barcelona · Department of General Linguistics · Grup de Recerca per a l'Estudi del Repertori Lingüístic (GRERLI)


April 2012–April 2013

Technical expert on the research project EDU2009-08862

Universitat de Barcelona · Department of General Linguistics · Grup de Recerca per a l'Estudi del Repertori Lingüístic (GRERLI)


Featured publications


PhD dissertation



  • Cutillas, L. (2017). L'ús dels adjectius al llarg del desenvolupament tardà del català [Use of adjectives throughout later Catalan language development] (PhD dissertation). Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.




Research papers



  • Pifarré, M.; Selfa, M.; Cujba, A.; Cutillas, L., & Falguera, E. (2022). The Role of Digital Technologies to Promote Collaborative Creativity in Language EducationFrontiers in Psychology, 13.



  • Cutillas. L., & Tolchinsky, L. (2017). Use of adjectives in Catalan. A morphological characterization in different genres and modes of production through school-age developmentFirst Language, 37, 58-82.​



  • Cutillas, L. (2014). Un text, un bon text, un text millor: els adjectius i la qualitat dels textos [A text, a good text, a better text: adjectives and the quality of texts]. Articles de Didàctica de la Llengua i de la Literatura, 62, 27-35. (Also published in Spanish at Textos de Didáctica de la Lengua y de la Literatura, 65, 28-36)


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Book chapters



  • Cutillas, L. (2021). "Els alumnes i alumnes": desdoblem, desdoblem, que la llengua maltractarem. In M. C. Junyent (ed.), Som dones, som lingüistes, som moltes i diem prou (p. 93-94). Vic, Spain: Eumo.



  • Cutillas, L., Tolchinsky, L., Rosado, E., & Perera, J. (2014). Indicators of lexical growth throughout age, genre and modality for a Catalan L1 corpus. In A. Díaz Negrillo, & F. Díaz Pérez (Ed.), Specialisation and variation in language corpora (p. 159-186). Berne, Switzerland: Peter Lang.



  • Cutillas, L. (2013). Parlar per escriure o escriure per parlar? [Speaking for writing or writing for speaking?]. In L. Tolchinsky (Coord.), L'explotació didàctica dels corpus lingüístics [The didactic exploitation of linguistic corpora] (p. 77-100). Barcelona, Spain: Horsori.


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