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Laia Cutillas i Alberich, PhD





I always wanted to be teacher, but I did not exactly know at which level (kindergarten, elementary school, secondary school...) since I began my university studies. Dr. Jesús Tuson, the founder of the Linguistics Department of the Universitat de Barcelona (UB), and one of the best professors I have had, inspired me to follow his example so I became linguist. Several years after that, I decided to undertake a doctoral research about language acquisition and later language development, under the direction of Dr. Liliana Tolchinsky, in order to become university professor.






Bachelor in Linguistics by the UB. I completed a Master in Linguistics and Technological Applications at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) and also a Master in Lexicon and Linguistic Communication at the UB. I became PhD in Theoretical, Computational, and Applied Linguistics with the thesis "Use of adjectives throughout later Catalan development", based on the GRERLI-CAT1 corpus. I also have an Specialist diploma in University Teacher Training from the Universitat Rovira i Virgili (URV).







  • Lecturer professor from the Educational Sciences Department at the Universitat de Lleida (UdL).

  • Former postdoctoral researcher from the Specific Didactics Department at the UdL.

  • Former assistant professor from the Specific Didactics Department at the UdL.

  • Former assistant professor from the Romance Philology Department at the URV. 

  • Former assistant professor from the Linguistic and Literary Education and Teaching and Learning of Experimental Sciences and Mathematics Department at the UB.

  • Former assistant professor from the Psychology and Education Sciences Studies at the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).


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